我是去年8月份来的UTS,记得是交了3400澳币的留位费(占住一个位置的钱) 来学校的时候,应该会给你一张COE(Course Offence) 这个东西就是用来交学费的凭证了..然后你可以去银行或者网上转账(推荐网银转账),也可以让家人邮寄支票过来。 我当时是学校给寄了一张VISA 信用卡(Australian Visa Card ),每次交钱的时候就直接刷卡就好了... 但是如果你来了之后想要换成其他方式的缴费方式也是可以的,比如说电汇啊什么的。
一般到了学校开始上课以后就要赶紧把剩下的学费和书费都交掉了,不然的话就会被视为退课,学费就不会返回去了。 如果你的签证是在8月份之前下来的话就按照8个月的时长来计算,16个unit 的话每个$2350澳元=$36,800澳刀;如果是在8月之后下来就按照9个月来算。另外澳洲的大学都是按单位Unit 算钱的不是按课程course 算得,所以就算是同一个专业的课程,不同的校区价格也是不一样的。因为专业不同所以单位数也会不一样。比如说我的这个专业在northsydney 的校区就需要读17 units 而如果在city的校区只需要读12 units 就可以了。还有的就是悉尼大学和墨尔本大学这种比较传统的大学他们的专业一般是按Courses来算钱,而ut 和monash这种年轻型的大学的则是以Units为单位来计算的。
我们学校的话是有两个校区的 Northsydney City UTS College of Information Technology is in the North Sydney campus, which offers courses leading to a Bachelor degree and postgraduate degrees in information technology; and at the City campus,it also has an undergraduate program for business administration, arts, tourism management etc. The main feature of these courses are that they prepare students not only with theoretical studies but through practical experience as well. It provides flexible learning patterns such as weekend classes, evening classes, online classes等方便学员的学习。
Monash University has been providing higher education since its inception more than thirty years ago. Currently, Monash has ten campuses around Australia including its original Clayton Campus. The course structures of Monash have changed over time because it keeps up-to date by listening to what employers want。 There are three types of study options available to international students: Monash Study Overseas,International Foundation Program,and International Year One Diploma