

学校发信让交2021年的学费,我看了下项目费用和往年差不多(6914$),但是收到了信用卡扣款成功的短信。 之前都是直接银行转账给学校,没有过信用卡付费的操作。所以想问大家有没有知道这是怎么一回事的?为什么用信用卡付款?

学校发的邮件如下: Re:Payment of Tuition and Fees Your tuition for the 2021 spring semester is $6,914. This amount includes applicable sales tax and discounts. You will receive a separate bill for housing that reflects current market rates. All student accounts are subject to audit by the Office of Student Accounts. Your tuition payment should reach us no later than January 31, 2021 in order to ensure uninterrupted service. If you have any questions regarding your account or these statements, please contact our office at (718) 997-5336 or via email at [email protected] Thank you for choosing New York University! 注:这封邮件是发给每个学生的,不是一次性发送的大批量邮件。
