用国内银行转?你是在逗我笑吗。。。 加拿大任何一家商业银行都不可能接收来自中国任何一家银行的汇款(包括支付宝), 原因嘛, 你也懂, 跨境支付监管严着呢, 除了CIMA(Chartered Institute of Mercantile Examiners)的会员可以正常汇出境外投资款之外,普通人想从境内汇款到境外是不被允许的。
所以首先你需要在加拿大开好一张支票帐户(BoC or SCB都行,最好问清楚再签,有些分行不能开Bank Draft)然后让在国内的公司或亲友以你的名义电汇(Wire Transfer)至你所开户行的SWIFT code(银行提供给新客户的开户函里会有)。
至于怎么查询对方银行账户状态,我建议你不要这么傻乎乎的直接去问别人“喂,老兄,请问你的钱到没到我的账户啊”,这么做很容易被当成骗子或是神经病。正确的做法是发一封邮件过去询问,当然,要假装成别的样子,比如你是来咨询移民申请的,那么就可以这样写: “Dear Sir/Madam, I am calling regarding XXX(申请号).I understand that the funds for this application are being held at your institution and I need to confirm that these funds will be available on such and such a date so as to process this file through the immigration system. As you can see from my ID, I hold an ongoing filing with Immigration Canada and I must have answers by next week if not sooner in order to finalize my client’s payment arrangements.当对方告诉你“Yes,we have received the money and everything is ok ”的时候,记得让对方给你写一封邮件证明。